Chapter7-The Classification
                 of Living Things

7-1 Classification

taxonomy - branch of biology
              - deals with classification
              - deals with naming

unity of life - all organisms are basically
                   alike in the life functions they

diversity of life - great variety in how these
                   functions are performed

 [Also see Fig. 7-6 p.129, Fig. 7-9 p.133 (<Tiger Book); Fig. 14.11 p. 337, Fig. 20.3 p. 472, Fig. 21.5 p. 503 (<Wolf Book)]

kingdom - the broadest classification category

phylum - (plural, phyla) each kingdom is
           separated into these major groups

class - related orders

order - related families

family - related genera

genus - (plural, genera) the first word (which is always capitalized) in the binomial naming system, e.g. "Homo" in the name "Homo sapien"

species - (plural, species) the second word
       (which is NOT capitalized) in the
       binomial naming system, e.g.
       "sapien" in the name "Homo sapien"

( Mnemonic: King Philip Counted Out Five Golden Slippers)

(binomial nomenclature)
-two Latin words, usually italicized
-system developed by Linnaeus

e.g. Felis leo and Felis tigris
   --same genus, different species

-organisms studied in detail in Regents Biology


paramecium hydra earthworm grasshopper human

END Chapter 7 Notes